Radio Fragola FM 104.5-104.8 – Per comunicare in diretta: WhatsApp/SMS 3401916542 E-mail:

Radio Fragola FM 104.5-104.8 – Per comunicare in diretta: WhatsApp/SMS 3401916542 E-mail:

Radio Fragola al Bioest

Ce ne siamo accorti anche noi: la nostra città si è popolata in qs giorni di molti turisti. L’interesse di Trieste come meta di una tre giorni fra musei, osmize e giri in Carso è sempre più forte. Alcuni giorni fa “A local’s guide to Trieste: 10 top tips” è comparso sul The Guardian. Tra i 10 top tips non poteva mancare Il Posto delle Fragole “Another of Trieste’s important symbols of freedom, the Posto delle Fragole (strawberry patch) is a bar, restaurant and cultural centre in the grounds of Trieste’s former psychiatric hospital, in the extensive Parco San Giovanni above the city. Some 45 years ago, this was the first Italian city to end the forced enclosure of mentally ill people, opening the hospital gates to all in the 1970s. Today students attend university courses here, and many of the distinctive pastel-yellow Liberty buildings are venues for the performing arts, cinema, a radio station (Radio Fragola), concerts, and late-night summer parties. The park and its famous rose gardens are easily reached on the number 12 bus from the city centre.”


 Category: Fragola news News

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